Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Writing Wizard - Add Spelling Lists

Writing Wizard is an iOS app that you can download through Meraki. (If you try in the app store, i will cost money.) This app is great for practicing writing. But what I did NOT know is that this app is great for practicing your SPELLING WORDS. What?! I got this tip from Kristin Clary (1st grade) and India Maine (Kinder) at Dove Elementary School.

If you are on the Writing Wizard home page, and you go to "My Words," then click "Word Lists," you can essentially add a new spelling and writing practice list! Then, students can add their own voice saying the word! At home, they can use this list to practice writing the words! So many exclamation points! They can add these words in Spanish or English, so an extra benefit there.

Now you might be thinking, as I did, "How am I going to add these lists to every iPad?" Here's the fun part (depending on how you define fun), students can add the words themselves. This gives them good practice for learning the words. Kristin suggests having a few Writing Wizard experts in the room to help out in case things start to go awry.

You can also go through a multi-step process to Export/Import the lists to each iPad. To do this, click My Words>Word Lists>Import/Export. You will have to answer some math, but then you can export a list. When I clicked my list, I was able to Browse and choose my Google Drive as a place to upload it.

From there, I shared my list with my student emails. If students are logged into Google Drive, I would be able to grab the list out of their shared with me and open it in Writing Wizard. That process is really involved, but I wanted to share that option with you as well.

Give this a try for an upcoming spelling list and let us know how it goes!

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